Please find below a selections of questions and answers that typically arise during preparations for long haul tours



Q: Gifts for billet families


A: It is normal practice for host families to be given a small token of appreciation from our each tourist, we have avoided controlling this aspect of the tour, so that the lads get a chance stamp their own personality on their chosen gift. All we would ask is that they steer clear of breakables, bulky items or anything too tacky, or not in keeping with the schools high standards. (please avoid items that may fall foul of the Bio Security restrictions)


Q: What will the weather be like whilst the boys are in NZ

A: NZ will be in the middle of their winter, however there will be a noticeable difference in climate between the North and South Island, please click on this link for more detailed info


Q: What will the weather be like whilst the boys are in Oz

A: Brisbane will be in the middle of their winter, however the temperature may be in the low to mid 60's


Q: Are there any customs issues when entering NZ & Oz


A: NZ & Oz customs department operate a zero tolerance on entry of items deemed to be a Bio Hazard please see the link for a more detailed summery, specifically regarding muddy boots !! 


Q: My son has indicated he will be taking his laptop on tour is this ok


A: We would recommend that your son does NOT take a laptop on tour, it will not be required for a rugby tour (we promise not to set any homework !!) any/all personal belongings will remain the sole responsibility of each tourist, the management team will not accept responsibility for loss or damage to personal belongings. We will be taking a staff laptop on tour which we intend to use to keep parents updated about our tour via the existing tour website and tour email account NZ2015@AOL.COM (dates and times of updates will depend on internet access being available at staff hotels) 


Q: As you are away for 3 weeks, are there any arrangements for the boys to get their kit/clothes laundered


A: No formal arrangement exists for washing dirty laundry, however all tourists will be "encouraged" to request assistance when billeted with hosts or ask to use the washing machine. 


Q: Are there any restrictions on my son taking his mobile phone to NZ & Australia.


A: We would strongly urge parents to convince your son that the use of their mobile phone whilst on tour be limited to occasional texts to the UK or internet access in free WiFi locations, calls to other tourists or home should be avoided if possible, due to the extremely high charges made by third party service providers. During a recent tour to South Africa a local rugby club teenage player ran up a bill of £600+ calling his GF in two weeks !!!!! All call & data costs remain the sole responsibility of each individual tourist. **You have been warned** 


Q: Are there any service providers that have low cost international calls


A: Three Mobile operate a 'Feel at Home' services that includes Australia (and New Zealand from April 2015), Please click HERE to access their website for further details (this information is correct @ 11th February 2015) Full investigation as to the suitability of this or any other provider, remains the responsibility of parents.



Q: Will I be able to contact my son via Skype whilst on tour


A: Obviously this facility will be dependent on WiFi internet access, however we can confirm that during the 2010 tour to NZ a considerable number of tourists were able to maintain regular contact with "home" via Skype. We would recommend that you create and test this facility before the tour departs.


Q: Will my son have access to a landline telephone whilst staying in the tour hotels and host families.


A: Your son may well have a phone in his hotel bedroom and host family, however all/any call costs must be paid personally and will not be settled by the tour management team. This will also apply to any additional charges incurred e.g. room service, laundry, etc 


Q: Are any of the management team medically and RFU qualified


A: In line with school policy, all permanent CCCS hold basic first aid certification, in the event of better qualified medical assistance being required, appropriate steps will be taken to ensure that emergency services are alerted in a timely manner. The majority of touring staff members are qualified RFU coaches.


Q: Who will look after any medication my son needs


A: Due to the nature of the tour and the frequency of billeting away from tour staff, it will be necessary for each tourist to be responsible for their own medication. We would request that ALL parents notify (school office) of any changes to medical data currently held on file. 


Q: Should I update my son’s school medical notes


A: It is VERY important that we are fully aware of any medical conditions your son has, if there have been any changes since you last notified the school, please contact the school ASAP. We will request an up to date medical report from the school office just before we depart for tour. 


Q: Will the boys be allowed to purchase items whilst on tour


A: Anything the boys buy will remain their responsibility with regards to customs restrictions, they will of course not be permitted to purchase anything that is either illegal or banned in the UK.


Q: Eating outside of the hotels or prebooked restuarants


A: Tour staff will actively encourage the lads to avoid eating/buying any food outside of the accomodation complex and especially from street vendors. As mentioned above we will try to point them in the direction of traditional western fast food outlets, McDonalds, Burger King etc. We will of course remind them that spending 12 hours on a flight with "gut's ache" will be pretty miserable!!! 



Q: Can we email the boys whilst they are on tour.


A: As previously mentioned we would encourage the boys to not take laptops or expensive electronic equipment on tour, and as also mentioned the use of IPhones and other telephone based communications/internet contact could leave you and your son a rather large bill from your service providor. However it is likely that the lads will be able to log onto WiFI whilst staying with host families. It may also be possible for the lads to log on when we are hotel based. If you decide your son will taking his phone on tour, we urge you to either switch off international data roaming or ask your service providor to suspend the facility for the duration of the tour.


Q: We have heard that a player on the 2010 NZ tour sustained a mild concussion during a game and wasn’t allowed to play for the rest of the tour


A: As I am sure you will agree the safety of the players and staff is paramount at all time, in line with RFU guidelines there will be a 21 day non-contact 'stand down' period, this will apply to all medically confirmed concussions AND also suspected concussions,   this is not negotiable.



Q: How much pocket money should my son take on tour?




A: Where logistically possible we have tried to ensure that the entire squad will be catered for. The dashboard summary provides a good indication of when the boys will be required to purchase their own meals, as you will see it is typically lunch times that are not included. From previous experience we are confident the lads will be well looked after whilst billeted with host families. Indeed one of our 2010 tourists was spotted being entertained by his host family in the best restaurant in town !!!. Prices in NZ & Oz are comparable with the UK for most things including food outlets.   The 2010 tourists on average took £600 each as spending money with the vast majority having some money left over at the end of the tour. We have not allowed for inflation, so please bear in mind these are figures related to 2010.




Q: How will my son access his spending money?




A: On past tours we have asked parents to credit the desired amount of spending money into the school account, which enabled the purchase of travelers cheques, which were then cashed and distributed en masse at regular intervals, as I’m sure you will appreciate this is an extremely time consuming and laborious way of handling large quantities of cash.  Thankfully travel currency facilities and options have significantly changed in the past few years, specifically the availability of prepaid currency cards. Whilst we are not suitably qualified as financial advisors, our recommendation is to follow the link below to establish if any of the suggested cards meet your son’s requirements.


It is our understanding that some parents have already made arrangements for their son to have a preloaded travel currency card.


Q: What kit will my son be supplied with




A: Your son will be provided with the following items (below), each day the entire squad will be required to wear a set combination of kit as will be indicated on the dashboard report provided to each member of the touring party. Deviation and/or liberal interpretation of designated whole squad attire will attract monumental ‘ribbing’, substantial tour fines and forfeits (this will also include staff)


  • 2 * tracksuits

  • 2 * polo shirts

  • 2 * tech tees

  • 1 * hoodie

  • 1 * warm-up wet top

  • 1 * match kit (shirt/shorts/socks)

  • 1 * winter jacket

  • 1 * beanie

  • 1 * flight bag

  • 1 * tour kit bag

  • 1 * scarf

  • 1 * tour tie

  • 1 * tour blazer

  • 1 * tour dress shirt

  • 1 * sweat pant jogging shorts

  • 2 * cotton tshirts

  • 1 * baseball cap




Q: What clothing etc will my son need to pack besides the issued tour kit




A: Your son will need to supply their own personal garments including:


  • underwear

  • swimwear

  • towel

  • casual clothing for when billeted (please nothing with images or text that may cause offense or embarrass the school/tour)

  • ‘clean’ trainers

  • polishable smart shoes (black or brown)

  • belt to match shoes

  • Beige chino’s (we have purposely not provided the chino’s in order to introduce an element of individuality, as we assume tourists will source their trousers from a variety of suppliers, thereby creating a subtle difference across the squad. All we ask is that they are wearing Beige and not any other colour

  • rugby boots (these must be spotlessly clean as they will not be permitted to pass through Biosecurity checks in NZ or Australia if dirty)

  • gumshield

  • toiletries

  • etc